We made every mistake in prospecting and selecting agents. We made it WAY harder than it had to be . . . until we cracked it.
Now our recruiting operation runs on autopilot. Step on the gas, and it just goes.
So what did we do, specifically, to make attracting and hiring agents WAY easier?
We stopped chasing.
We stopped calling every single agent in the phone book. We stopped getting laughed at by agents who hadn’t sold a home in 3 months.
That sucked. We threw it out the window.
There’s a better way.
We started ATTRACTING them instead.
We tested a ton of ad platforms --- job boards, social media channels, display ads -- we even tested RADIO for agent recruiting.
We studied direct response copywriting and got ninja-good at getting people excited about a job in just a few words.
We ran a hundred ads that didn’t work, and a few that DID.
We had to put together our own method of getting from “no one knows who we are” to agents calling US and asking to work for our team. You’ll be glad to know that . . .
Today you have the opportunity to access the full library of ad copy, graphics/video creative that we still use today to attract the right agents.
Introducing our ultimate swipe file: